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Canadian Association of Rocketry /

Association canadienne de fuséonautique

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There are three types of memberships: Individual (Junior and Senior), Family, and Affiliate Club.

  • Individual Junior Membership: For anyone under 18 years old,  - model rockets or high-power rockets.
  • Individual Senior Membership: For anyone 18 years or older, - model or high-power rockets.
  • Family Membership: Includes a spouse/partner and children under 18, - model or high-power rockets.
  • Affiliate Club Membership: For clubs that want to provide CAR/ACF insurance coverage for their members. This insurance only covers model rocketry and the cost depends on the size of the club.


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The Canadian Association of Rocketry / Association Canadienne de Fuséonautique is an association of rocketeers organized for the purpose of promotion, development, education and advancement of amateur aerospace activities. 


Contact Us
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


Copyright © 2020-2023 Canadian Association of Rocketry / Association Canadienne de Fuséonautique

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