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Canadian Association of Rocketry /

Association canadienne de fuséonautique

Certification Process


Flight Inspection Form /  Formulaire d'inspection en vol :


Level 1 - 3 Documents /  Documents de niveau 1 à 3

CAR-ACF HP Certification Program  Level_1-3_v3.0_20231113_EN.pdf

CAR-ACF Programme de certification HP nivel_1-3_v3.0_2021113_FR.pdf


Level 4 Documents /  Documents de niveau 4

car l4 process document_1.7 20200331.pdf




CAR/ACF offers a certification process which permits individuals to purchase and use rocket motors whose physical constraints and performance exceed model rocket boundaries. Rocket motors which exceed model rocketry motor definitions and the models that use these motors are collectively referred to as High Power Rocketry.

Certification for High Power Rocketry consists of four progressive levels:

  • Level 1 allows the purchase and use of H impulse class motors.
  • Level 2 allows the purchase and use of I impulse class solid motors and hybrid rocket motors.
  • Level 3 allows the purchase and use of J, K and L impulse class rocket motors and hybrid rocket motors.
  • Level 4 requires in-process reviews of the certification model design and construction prior to flight, see below. 

    Please note that the CAR/ACF high power certification is only one consideration when purchasing and using high power rocket motors. Compliance with local, NRCan ( Natural Resources Canada ) and TC ( Transport Canada ) federal regulations is also required.

    High power certification is intended to provide a measure of the modeler's competence to avoid gross violations of good modeling practice and safe model operation. The program is not foolproof. A single demonstration of a modeler's skills does not guarantee consistent safe performance. The certification program does not replace the application of safe handling practices and common sense.

    Minimum Requirements

    The individual seeking high power certification must be a minimum of 18 years old at the time of certification. A driver's license or a birth certificate may be required as proof of age.

    The individual must be a member in good standing with the Canadian Association of Rocketry / Association canadienne de fuséonautique (CAR/ACF) at the time of certification.

    Motors used for certification attempts must be currently certified by either the CAR/ACF, NAR or TRA and be accepted by NRCan or covered under a general importation permit issued by NRCan. Hybrid motors used shall be approved by TC. Manufacturer's designations, not certification test data, will be used to identify suitability for the certification level being attempted (e.g. an H128 is an H, a G75 is a G).

    Level 4 Certification Attempt Outline

    Please refer to the Level 4 Certification section here on the website for full details - this is an overview only.

    New as of March 2022 is the L4 Application form, fill this out and send to the email listed to start the process

    All level 4 attempts shall have a main motor of at least 5120.01 Newton-seconds. Clustering to achieve minimum installed impulse is not be permitted. Certification flights shall be of single stage design. All level 4 certification attempts shall be principally constructed by the flyer; as such, team projects shall not be permitted.

    The CAR/ACF Electronics Endorsement is a required pre-requisite. Electronic recovery is required and must function as designed. Back-up systems are also required. 

    The aspiring level four flyer shall have sole responsibility for filling out and sending in the Level 4 Certification Application Form the Design Review Committee, sixty days is minimum, and it is expected the the applicant will have been discussing the project with the assigned L4CAT (L4 Certification Advisory Team) representatives throughout the design phase of the project.

    A documentation package consisting of at least drawings, materials lists, altitude predictions, CG. and CP. calculations, at least one photograph of the builder working on the project and a filled out L4 Data Capture Form shall be submitted for L4CAT review not less than THIRTY days prior to the flight attempt.

    All level 4 projects shall be substantially complete before L4CAT sign off for flight. At least one L4CAT member must physically inspect every level 4 project before flight sign off.

    The Field RSO shall have the ability to override the decision to launch any vehicle on his or her range.

    Sign-off of a level 4 certification flight with minor or cosmetic damage shall be left to the discretion of the authorizing Level 4 Certification Advisory Team (L4CAT) member(s).

    Any failed level 4 attempt shall be resubmitted to the L4CAT committee before a second attempt. Completed data capture form shall be sent to CAR/ACF HQ, successful or not.

    Don't assume any launch sponsor will be expecting you. Let them know you are coming and take care of any logistical problems in advance.

    Finally, GOOD LUCK and ENJOY!


    The Canadian Association of Rocketry / Association Canadienne de Fuséonautique is an association of rocketeers organized for the purpose of promotion, development, education and advancement of amateur aerospace activities. 


    Contact Us
    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


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